Royalty free music
composed by Beaterie

Enjoy the wide range of legal and easily accessible music tracks, which are absolute free of charge for non commercial use! To search in the huge library, click the button or image below.

Standard license
downloadable for free

The standard license covers the use of the music for uncommercial purposes and the monetization on YouTube. Get more information by clicking the button or image below.

How does it work?

Listen to all beats on Soundcloud.

The music is subdivided in different playlists for a good overview and a relaxed sound experience. Some tracks are only listed on Soundcloud.

Download all tracks easily via Dropbox.

Of course all files are accessible for free and everyone. There are no borders through necessity of an account. Always stay up to date.

Use the music for your videos on YouTube.

Keep the credits in mind and name Beaterie in the video description as the producer and composer of the music. Very easy, isn't it?



the latest beat


the latest edit